An eccentric row of consultant judges representing a UK, Netherlands, France, and Germany reviewed a record series of submissions for this year’s desired Awards. Additionally, for a initial time BroadGroup extended a Data Centre endowment categories to embody cloud infrastructure services and awarded 11 companies during a annual celebration.
“As a leader of a 2012 Data Centre Change and Innovation award, ancotel is unapproachable to be famous for a winning multiple of colocation and interconnection services housed within a Kleyer90.® flagship trickery in Frankfurt,” comments Frank Orlowski, clamp president, ancotel GmbH.” As a heading colocation and interconnection association in Europe, we continue to innovate new products and solutions including a vmmr.® Ethernet height that provides interconnection of both normal Ethernet and new Carrier Ethernet networks.”
The endowment rite took place on Jun 13th during a cooking hold during Merchant Taylors Hall in London. Other tellurian information centre and cloud providers contending for awards enclosed Claranet, eBay, interxion, Limelight, Savvis, SunGard, TelecityGroup, and many more.
For additional information about ancotel’s colocation and tellurian interconnection solutions, go to
About ancotel
ancotel GmbH is Europe’s heading network neutral interconnection association headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany. ancotel provides massively scalable interconnection services and secure, arguable colocation services in a densely connected Kleyer90.® flagship facility.
Founded in 1999, some-more than 430 companies from 60+ countries are now regulating ancotel to enhance their business and sell information and voice traffic – well and securely. All forms of Carriers Providers including incumbents, VOIP providers,, broadband providers, calm smoothness networks, and web hosters use ancotel to urge their network opening and to reduce their costs. ancotel operates 50,000+ cranky connects that business use for voice and information interconnection (Ex. IP-Transit, Peering, TDM Voice and VOIP, VPN). In further to classical earthy cross-connections around fibreglass, coaxial and disfigured span copper cable, ancotel is increasingly focusing on practical accommodate me room (vmmr.®) platforms and managed services.
ancotel’s 430 confident business include: 11, A1 Telekom Austria, AboveNet, ATT, Belgacom, BT, Cable Wireless, China Telecom, Colt, Deutsche Telekom, euNetwork, GTS, iBasis, KDDI Corporation, KPN, Level 3, NTT, RETN, Swisscom, Tata Communication, Telecom Italia, Telefonica O2, TeliaSonera, Türk Telekom, Verizon, and Vodafone.
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